Harry Potter and Some Ridiculous Theiving Christians
Back when the books were relatively new I remember a bunch of Christians getting super pissed about them. "They're teaching children to worship witchcraft" is something that one of them was likely to say. This is stupid on so many levels. I mean I hate to break it to you but there is no such thing as witchcraft. To believe in witchcraft you'd have to believe in, that's right, witches! I mean yes, I know there are people out there who claim to be witches or wiccans or whatever they're calling it. Basically they are either an earth worshiping deists or they just like to wear a lot of black. Either way, they can't perform magic because, that's right, magic does not exist. So let them play with their stupid little ouji boards or crystals or amulets because they're not really accomplishing anything, much less anything "evil". So if the little children try to perform any of the magic in a Harry Potter book the worst that will happen is that they will become really disappointed. On the upside, they may learn some Latin.
Apparently however in the years since that great calamity (although I believe J.K. Rowling still gets death threats) it seems several Christians bothered to read the books and realized that the books are actually quite moral. Some of these people have now started to claim them as Christian tales and that Harry is clearly a Christ figure in them.
I find that so freaking obnoxious. Harry Potter is not Jesus Christ. The books are not about religion. Why must they decide to retrofit something to their own philosophy? What's wrong with enjoying a great adventure series? Does everything have to be about JESUS? How boring is that?! Why can't something be about somebody/something else? You know, FOR FUN!
Wait a minute, Voldemort was killed and came back (resurrected), he had a group of loyal followers, he was betrayed by one of the ones closest to him. His biological parents were not of the same ilk. Wait a dying for your sins minute! Maybe Voldemort is the Christ figure! I wonder why they haven't been making that argument?
I mean you could glean meaning out of the directions of a packet of instant soup mix but isn't it kind of a waste of time?