Tea Two: Gorgement Day
We did it again! If you remember my post about Dana and I going out to tea and then deciding we could just do it ourselves. Well we did the very next weekend. I believe I did mention that we are not well.
So after we got to this spot and rested a bit we headed back through the tunnel and back to the apartment. It turned out to be a really lovely day for a walk! The walk itself was great, despite the fact that it nearly came to blows when I refused to scale a loose dirt cliff-like trail. (No way Davie-boy!) We all made it back still friends.
We all cleaned up and then they watched Eddie Izzard while I prepared tea. Dana offered to help but I had a game plan and I really don't play well with others. Ask Rick, I end up yelling at him in the kitchen! So as they watched Eddie, I prepared the scrummy meal you see below. Which included: 4 kinds of sandwiches with the crusts cut off, savories (crab cakes, spinach & feta things in dough, and perogies--yes, no authenticity to this meal at all), then different kind of wafer cookies, and of course some lovely scones and clotted cream which Dana brought. Oh yeah, and tea. Three kinds of tea. The picture turned out a bit blurry but most of them are on special family china my mom gave me. Since this meal would not be authentic, I figured aesthetics would save it.
So we kicked the boys out (yes they were not invited) so they went out to the picnic area and played games. Meanwhile Dana and I feasted like queens and watched "Shirley Valentine". I had quite a good time and was not totally burned out when I went back to work since Monday was a day of rest. I vote we always have 3 day weekends! Two days are just not enough. Anyway, who knew I'd turn out to be such a girl? Then again tea for us is to be taken with a grain of salt. While we enjoy it, aspects of the absurd are marked and usually relished upon. We played Enya music while we at at the table (before starting the movie) just because it's funny. We're not so girly I guess.
Anyway, Labor Day seemed like the perfect excuse. We figured we could meet at my place on Sunday. Go for a nice long hike (which would somewhat counter the effects of a large tea extravaganza) and then do the tea thing. And so that's what we did. First was the hike.
Dave & Dana arrived around 10am. We started out from our apartment and within 10 minutes (see why I love where we live?) we arrived at this first view.
Ah! You can't see it but off in the fog, across the water is San Francisco. Our walk continued through trails you can't really see in this photo but we did end up at the green hill at the left side of the picture (just before you get to the water).
This is another shot along the way to that little hill I pointed out but looking back towards where we came from. You can see the park (with the pond) from the other side here and off in the distance is Point Richmond. 
Finally we arrived at my favorite spot. You can see it in the first photo, it looks like a pier jutting off into the water. It's actually part of the old railroad, where they would off load box cars and brick material from the old brickyard. Anyway, this is a great spot. You can sit, practically level with the water with the bay and San Francisco before you. Bliss!
Dana was not pleased with the photo I took of her so I erased it but below is one of Dave & Rick. (This is pre-shorn Rick. He just had that mop top cut down to a respectable length, the hippy!)
So after we got to this spot and rested a bit we headed back through the tunnel and back to the apartment. It turned out to be a really lovely day for a walk! The walk itself was great, despite the fact that it nearly came to blows when I refused to scale a loose dirt cliff-like trail. (No way Davie-boy!) We all made it back still friends.
And if you haven't read my post about the Captain's Cottage tea, Enya is what was playing in the background during that whole experience... Jen's tea was much better!! Especially since we hiked for an hour and a half first and could devour our goodies with a certain amount of 'we've earned this' self-righteousness... Not that NOT hiking would have stopped us!
Dana Fredsti, at 9:18 AM
I want to live in Point Richmond.
I want you to come over to my place and make me tea.
Shirley Valentine is one of the greatest chick flicks of all time.
That is all.
Fleeting Mind, at 11:54 AM
Zhadi- That's why the Enya! I had forgotten. And no the hiking just cushioned the blow of that ridiculous spread.
Fleeting- If you two finally move your butts up here, I'll be glad to stop by and make you tea!
There's a house up on the hill on the way to that first vista for rent. $2500 per month, full bay view and a to-die-for back yard (fire pit!). If only I could afford that. Now I'm depressed.
Of course we don't know where we'll end up (now that Rick is on the cusp of finishing the diss).
Abyss of Silence, at 3:58 PM
SCONES! I love scones. Yay tea. (toria)
Anonymous, at 6:30 PM
You live in the most beautiful spot in CA. If we win the Lotto, we're buying the building!
Your tea looks lovely - I can almost taste it.
And tea is good for you, so the calories don't count, right?
Anonymous, at 8:50 AM
Monica, when you buy the building, can we kick the guy next to us out and make our apartment bigger?
Abyss of Silence, at 12:19 PM
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